The brace hights of the shrew bows
Time by time we get messages from Shrew Bow owners to get our reccomendation about the right brace hight of their Shrew Bow
We also recognized that many Shrew Bow owners don't know the correct brace height for their bows. For this reason, we like to have the brace height information available at all times online for easy access to everyone.
On the new Shrew Bows hompage and as the Bodnik Bows homepage as well, you can find the correct information on brace heights and string lengths for all of the Shrew Bows built by Bodnik Bows (start Dezember 2018)
We are reccomending highly to use your Shrew Bow with our Shrew Bows Whisper String only.
Will be availible at the new Shrew Bows web shop soon!
You can view all of this valuable information on our website or you can click on the info button and download the information as a PDF form so you will have a hard copy available at all times.
The brace hights of the Shrew Bows

The brace hight is an important technical setup of your traditional bow. Make sure, especially before your hunt or starting at a tournament, that your brace hight is right. Every 16th of an inch is important!
To get more backround about the brace hight of your traditional bow just watch Henry Bodnik in his vid. He is talking about the brace hight and demonstrating how to adjust the brace hight.
All about the Brace Hight
Since Dezember 2018 Bodnik Bows is building all of the Shrew Bows. Since this time all of our Shrew Bows are protected by the legendary 30 years warranty established by Bodnik Bows!
We named this unique warranty the 30 Years Shrew Bows Warranty!
For more information please press our Shrew Bows warranty button below:
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