Cancellation of the Kill Tournament UK and the Bowhunter Challenge Germany / Switzerland
We are very sorry to postphone again our two tournaments listed below:
- Bowhunter Challenge Germany/ Switzerland: 3rd and 4th of July 2021
- Kill Tournament UK: 17th and 18th of Juli 2021

It was not an easy decission at all!
But the regional and national regulations in the matter of the Corona pandemic will not allow us to celeberate our tournaments, special competitions and the award ceremonies without any limitations.
We have to take care and to guarantee mandatory tests, restrictions of maximum participants, mask requirements, distance obligations and quarantine requirements for foreign participants
We are not able to do this!
Also all these requirements damaging the very special feeling of our legendary tournament and gathering.
We are really sorry and looking forward full of hope into 2022
For all booked partizipants of the Bowhunter Challenge Germany / Switzerland, Hubert Wursthorn wants to inform you that the 3 D range at the Bogensporthotel is open and much more than 100 3 D animals are out at the parcours. Hubert Wursthorn, the owner of the Bogensport Hotel will be happy to meet you there at this weekend. (03. - 04.07.2021) His 3 d range is open!
Family Wursthorn will be happy to welcome you there.
Henry Bodnik
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