Shrew Bows Models
Bow Models, 30 Years Warranty
We believe that the new generation of Shrew Bows are the best hunting bows ever built.
Shrew Bows can only be ordered direct from Shrew Bows in the US!
(For orders from Europe, delivery takes place within Europe)

Classic Hunter II
The original Shrew was a bold innovation because at that time unlike now, no one was making a longbow that short. The impression was that short bows stacked and were unstable. It didn't take long for the little Shrew with it's forward design handle and deflex reflex limbs to knock that theory into a cocked hat.
NOW, WE'VE DONE IT AGAIN. The new improved Shrew Classic Hunter II is smoother and faster than the old Classic Hunter.
The Classic II has a more aggressive limb design but more importantly the limbs were designed on a CAD program to optimize performance while maintaining what is basically an unlimited butter smooth draw. The Classic II is built on a completely new form. This form was designed in the CAD program as well to ensure accuracy and perfectly balanced limbs, then cut out on a CNC machine. This makes sure that the form we use is perfect in every way. There are no flat spots in these limbs! They're perfect!
Like its namesake, the new Shrew Classic Hunter II is pound for pound the most efficient little killing machine around!
Bowlength: 52“
Draw weights: 20 - 80 lbs
Riser:Mycarta / Makassar SR
Limbs: Makassar SKGB SR veneer on Shrew Bows Super Flex Bamboo with Bearpaw Power glass
Bowlength: 54“
Draw weights: 20 - 80 lbs
Riser: Nicaragua Cocobolo SR / Mycarta
Limbs: Tineo veneer on Shrew Bows Super Flex Bamboo with Bearpaw Power glass
Bowlength: 56“
Draw weights: 20 – 80 lbs
Riser: Makassar SR /Mycarta
Limbs: Appletree SR on Shrew Bows Super Flex Bamboo with Bearpaw Power glass
Brace Hights
Draw Force Curve 52“
Draw Force Curve 54“
Draw Force Curve 56“

Lil' Favourite
The idea for the Shrew Lil' Favorite came from the original Shrew Stalker that bowyer John McCullough integrated into the Shrew Bows line many years ago while working with Ron LaClair. Since the beginning, the Lil Favorite recurve was designed with a unique forward facing, forward grip. This enhanced the natural pointability and allowed for a very smooth draw and great accuracy especially for such a short and powerful bow. The brilliant limb design called "Semi Static Recurve Limbs" by Ron LaClair, combined with the genius of the grip forward design makes it possible for this compact 54" hunting bow to offer a smooth drawing experience and powerful cast for all archers and bowhunters, even those with longer draw lengths. Another great advantage of the "Semi Static Recurve Limbs" is how they control the angle of string pinch on the archer's drawing hand! As these tips are drawn back, the bowstring lifts, widening the string angle to avoid pinching the archer’s fingers (finger pinch).
For a long time, the Recurve Shrew Lil` Favorite was no longer available!
But now the wait is over!
Thanks to the partnership between Henry Bodnik von Bodnik Bows and Ron LaClair, this wait is over and the Recurve Shrew Lil` Favorite can finally be ordered again.
Together with Henry Bodnik and the master bow makers from Bodnik Bows, we have made the Recurve Shrew Lil` Favorite even more powerful and comfortable to shoot. In addition, this amazing little hunting bow is now available in a bow length of 56 "to allow comfortable draw lengths of up to 31"!
Bowlength: 54“
Draw weights: 20 - 80 lbs
Riser: Mycarta / Charcoal
Limbs: Makassar SKS SR veneer on Shrew Bows Super Flex Bamboo with Bearpaw Power glass
Bowlength: 56“
Draw weights: 20 - 80 lbs
Riser: Mycarta / Nicaragua Cocobolo SR
Limbs: Tineo veneer on Shrew Bows Super Flex Bamboo with Bearpaw Power glass

Super Shrew II
The short and handy Shrew Bows are a legendary piece of American traditional archery history and have been among the most sought after bows for traditional bowhunters in North America for more than 20 years!
Ron LaClair, a well-known bowhunter and instinctive archer from the USA is the man behind the Super Shrew II. Today these phenomenal bows are manufactured by Bodnik Bows. We took over the production of the Super Shrew II and implemented some of our own improvements and enhancements.
This next-generation Super Shrew II, from Bodnik Bows, offers the perfect balance of an extremely smooth draw, even out to draw lengths of 33“, and super powerful limbs that deliver incredible speed, amazing accuracy, and unmatched consistency shot after shot. For bows as short as these, they are an engineering masterpiece!
Many traditional bowhunters and instinctive archers have very long draw lengths of 30” or more. These archers know how difficult it is to find a traditional bow that will offer them a smooth drawing experience. Yet, our skilled bowyers have modified the limbs on the Super Shrew II to allow for an extra smooth draw, even for draw lengths up to 33”. Now even archers with very long draws can enjoy a compact, smooth drawing, fast-shooting, accurate Super Shrew II from Bodnik Bows.
It is our opinion, that the Super Shrew II by Bodnik bows is one of the best, most balanced bows that we have ever produced. If you are looking for one bow that can do it all whether for bowhunting or instinctive 3D competitions, or target shooting – the Super Shrew II is going to be tough to beat!
Super Shrew 58"
Draw weights: 20 - 80 lbs
Riser: Makassar SR / Micarta
Limbs: Rosewood SR veneer on Bodnik Bows Super Flex Bamboo with Bearpaw Power glass
Super Shrew 60"
Draw weights: 20 - 80 lbs
Riser: Nicaragua Cocobolo SR / Micarta
Limbs: Apple tree SR veneer on Bodnik Bows Super Flex Bamboo with Bearpaw Power glass
The 30 Years Shrew Bows Warranty
The 30 Years Shrew Bows guarantee is unique in the world of traditional bows!
For us, with a purchase of a Shrew Bow, begins a partnership for at least 30 years.
Order Shrew Bows Online
Visit Shrew Bows Online Shop, and order your Shrew Bow.