Bodnik Bows
Instinctive Archery,
classes, courses, Bows, Bowhunter Challenge
Bodnik Bows have earned a spectacular reputation as fast, stable, and beautiful bows - indispensable to traditional archers everywhere. Bodnik Bows are recognised among top traditional archers as the best performing, most natural pointing, smooth, and super accurate bows ever!
Our famous 30-year bow warranty proves that Henry Bodnik and Bodnik Bows stand together with their commitment to the quality of each and every one of their handcrafted traditional bows.
For more than 20-years Henry Bodnik has been teaching archers everywhere his specialized techniques for instinctive archery. Through his seminars and courses Henry has introduced thousands of archers all around the world to the delightful experience of pure instinctive / intuitive archery. These popular archery courses and seminars in instinctive / intuitive archery are now being offered in 5 different countries. At archery fairs and events, Henry's lectures on instinctive archery and traditional archery are a powerful draw, attracting many visitors.
Instinctive Archery
Instinctive archery is a natural art that offers archers the opportunity to shoot their arrows perfectly, without the aid of any sighting systems, elaborate routines, or any mechanical aids. Instinctive archery is pure - the origin of archery.
When we say, instinctive archery - we mean it in the truest sense of the word. Instinctive shooting is something that is inside of us. It comes naturally, it's instinctive/intuitive. When an archer learns to shoot instinctively, he learns to fully trust the process. Instinctive shooters rely on their mental strength and the data supplied by their ongoing shooting experiences. They learn to allow their powerful subconscious minds to guide the process and in turn their bodies respond and develop a physical 'feeling' for the what is needed in the moment to loose the perfect arrow. If you are interested in mastering your shooting and developing into a true instinctive shooter, instinctive archery is the only way to your goal.
Courses in Archery
with Henry Bodnik
Germany, Austria, Switzerland

Training Course
Detect mistakes in your shooting process and train to correct them.

Arrow Physics Course
Instinctive archery and the importance of arrow physics.
Booking an Instinctive Archery Course
In all of my instinctive archery courses, I strive to convey to every archer the skill of "Correctly processing and interpreting the shot information". We stress the neutral evaluation of the shot information and teach you just how important a healthy positive attitude is for you to enjoy a successful instinctive archery experience. Also, you will discover how wonderfully instinctive archery compliments your outdoor experience when shooting bows and arrows in out in nature.
In the following location, you can book and reserve your spot in one of our Instinctive Archery courses.
Bodnik Bowhunter Challenge
The name Bowhunter Challenge stands for Henry Bodnik's special archery tournament. This legendary tournament has its origins in the beginning of our great sport, when this type of archery was used almost exclusively as a training for bow hunting.